Monday, February 20, 2012


Joh 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father *EXCEPT* through Me.

Truth is narrow and dogmatic. It is not relative. 1 plus 1 equals 2. It is not 3, even if you are open-minded about it.

Someone might say: "Ah c'mon! You are too narrow-minded. I am not like you Christians. I am open-minded. There are no absolute truths, truth is relative. It varies from person to person. Your idea that there is only one Savior is pure bigotry! You are disrespectful of other people's beliefs!"

My friend, truth is always narrow and dogmatic. That lady over there is your wife. How do you like the idea that some other man would be open-minded enough to consider that he may also be the husband of your wife? No, you would dogmatically and narrow-mindedly say: "Over my dead body! That lady over there is my wife. No other man can have her."

And if he should say in protest: "You are disrespecting my belief!

You would all too readily give the reply: "You change your belief. It is wrong! The only thing that matters is the right belief. Not just any other belief!"

Jesus Christ is the only Savior of the world. Yes, it's narrow, it's dogmatic. But it's the truth.