Monday, August 26, 2019


Ro 6:1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 

Paul being an experienced preacher that he was knew the objections to his doctrine of salvation by grace. In his journeys, he heard all kinds of opposition to the gospel that he preached. Here he is voicing out a common objection to his message of salvation by grace.

Now, every conclusion has a premise. Paul in chapter 5 verse 20 taught that where sin abounded grace super abounded. Based on that teaching of Paul, his hearers might conclude and say: “If that is the case Paul, if grace super abounds where sin abounds, does that mean then that we are to continue in sin that grace may abound?”

In our times, we have a similar objection whenever we faithfully preach the Gospel of grace. We tell them that salvation is not by works but by grace through faith. And people react, sometimes vehemently at us and say: “If that is true, then it is no longer necessary to live in holiness and righteousness. After all, salvation is not by good works but by grace through faith?”

Every time I hear that objection in my evangelism, I smile inwardly. Because I know that I preached the same message of salvation that Paul preached. Brethren, every single time we preach the message of grace, that salvation is not by works, but by grace through faith, we would invariably elicit a conclusion similar to this here in verse 1 from the unregenerate minds of unbelievers. Do not be surprised. The world does not understand the grace of God.

Teaching or a message that says: "A sinner can be saved by good works and good character" would never draw out such a reaction and objection. No, Paul received such an objection and protest because his message was: "A sinner is not saved by good works and good character; a sinner is saved by faith alone in Christ alone." 
P.S. We are not talking about the results of salvation here. That is another topic. We are simply emphasizing the principle of salvation that it is not by works.