Saturday, October 19, 2013


The Human Fly And The Spider's Web (A True Story)

In the 1920's and 30's, there were people who presented themselves as human flies. They were men who actually did incredible stunts. They would climb tall buildings using their bare hands without any tools and implements whatsoever.

One time one of these men performed in front of a large crowd. Breathlessly, people watched him skillfully move up the building. He would go from one ledge to another. He would reach out for something, and then for another, as he gradually pulled himself up one story higher above another.

On a certain window ledge, he stood for a moment, looking for something solid to grab hold of. Then he saw this jutting piece of stone on one part of the building. After examining it, he then leaped forward in order to take hold of it. But to the horror and shock of the crowd, he fell down...down...down to his death.

When the police hurried to his side, they found in his hand a spider's web. What he thought as gray stone was actually a spider's web.

You know, many people today are like that man. When it comes to the salvation of their souls, they are depending on a "spider's web." They believe that their morality, their religiosity and their philanthropy are enough to hold them up and save them.

They are putting their whole trust and confidence in what they do for God to save them, instead of what God has done for them in Christ at Calvary. They do not know that none of these will work. They will be fatally disappointed and suffer an eternal fall.

Salvation is only found in the solid Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ. He died for our sins and resurrected, and anyone who leans on Him, trusts in Him for salvation will be saved.

Lean on God's solid Rock and not on your spider's web.  


Earthquakes, False And Genuine Repentance

False Repentance---It is when an earthquake takes place, and for fear of divine judgment (That's all. Nothing more, nothing less and nothing else), you suddenly become religious and do other things to appease God.

When the threat subsides, when the earthquake and the aftershocks pass away, you then gradually revert back to what you were before.

You are only fooling yourself, not God. God knew all along that yours was a false kind of repentance. The reason why you're not dead now is because God gave you another chance to do it again, this time genuinely.

Genuine Repentance---It is when an earthquake takes place, and for fear of divine judgment, you change your attitude towards God, you now take Him seriously, you now hate sin and revere God because God is God.

It matures and develops to a point that even if the threat subsides, even when the earthquake and the aftershocks pass away, even if there is no bliss of heaven or the threat of punishment in hell, you turn away from sin because God is God and He hates sin.

And you turn to Christ and trusts in Him alone and what He did on the cross for salvation.

Friday, October 4, 2013


The Marble Champion And Salvation (A True Story)

There was this ten-year-old kid who was a champion in town when it came to marbles. He won all the games, and his record was impeccable.

One day, as he was playing with the other kids, as usual, he won all their marbles. He was the winner, they were the losers. Then standing in front of them all (they were looking so downcast), he announced: "Let me tell you a story."

Then he told them the story about the Lord Jesus and His free offer of salvation. How He died for sinners like us and how He has made salvation freely available for us all, to be received by faith.

Then he asked: "Do you want your marbles back?" They all nodded enthusiastically. He then gave all of it to them freely, to those who were willing to have it.

It was a "marblelous" illustration of salvation. Here we are, spiritual losers... sinners. Spiritually we have nothing, we are bankrupt. But the Lord Jesus Christ, the great champion came, and through His death and resurrection purchased and "won" salvation for us.

And now He offers it to us all for free. What He won at the cross, He now offers to all.

Are you willing to have God's marvelous salvation? You can have it right now by trusting in the Savior and what He did on the cross alone for salvation.