Thursday, February 16, 2012


Romans 5:20 ...But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more...

Sin can never stop and limit the grace of God. Grace is greater than sin. You can never out sin the grace of God.

What we have here is best exemplified in the story of the nation Israel. When sin abounded just too much in that nation, God sent His Son. As a nation, what did Israel do? They murdered the very Son of God who came to them in love. The murder of the Son of God was the greatest crime man has ever committed against God.

But think: In that very murder of the Son of God, flowed the immeasurable, superabounding grace of God. The cross became a fountain of salvation for all sinners. The greatest crime in history that man has ever committed against God was the very gateway through which the super abounding and immeasurable grace of God flowed.

You being a sinner is your very qualification for God's undeserved favor or grace. Come to Christ. Come as you are. Come to the Friend of sinners by faith.