Saturday, June 29, 2019


A man knocked on the door of a stately house and said to the owner who answered: "Hello, I am John and I am a pretty nice guy and I would love to live in your house."

"Excuse me? Do I know you?" the owner replied.

"Nope, but I am a pretty nice guy. You just ask around. Just yesterday I mowed my neighbor's lawn, I assisted an elderly cross a street and I helped someone with a car that was bogged down the side the road," said the man with pride in his eyes.

"You just can't live here just because you're nice!" the owner retorted.

"Why?! You let that boy live here! Has he mowed your neighbor's lawn? Has he assisted an elderly? Has he helped someone with his car?" the man protested loudly.

"Of course he lives here! He's my child!" the owner exclaimed.

"Oh, I see! And does that make him more special than me?!" the man roared.

"Okay, that's it! I am calling the police!" the owner angrily threatened.

This situation is very weird. A man insisting to be welcomed in someone else' stately house just because he is nice. But you know what? A lot of people think exactly like this when it comes to salvation. They think and believe that just because they have been doing good that God would let them in into His house. No, it doesn't work that way. You can only live in His house if you are His child. The question is: "Have you been born again by faith in Christ Jesus? Are you God's child through Christ?"

Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
 9 not of works,

Joh 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name

Ga 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.

Note: The story above is taken from Lifeline Productions. LifeLine Productions produces Biblical messages for radio using humor to hold the listener