Monday, January 29, 2024


For Many Days...Without A Sacrifice 

"For the sons of Israel will remain for many days... (among other things cited here in this verse) without sacrifice..." Hosea 3:4 

This was fulfilled when the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. The temple was the only designated place wherein sacrifices for sin were made. General Titus in 70 AD came and did the most horrific thing in the eyes of the Jews --- he destroyed the temple.

Since that time, for almost 2000 years now, the nation Israel has been without sacrifice.
 And yet, throughout these generations, ringing in their ears, is the message that Jesus died for their sins. A Jew has some serious thinking to do. Either God has left them without any solution to sin for almost 2000 years now or they do have a solution for sin; that that Man Jesus Christ was indeed the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world --- the ultimate fulfillment of the animal sacrifices of the Old Testament.

It's the same with us today. We need daily sacrifices for sin because we sin everyday. Good works can't save us. And yet, there's this message that says "Christ died for our sins."
Where else can we go? What other options do we have? Are we willing to live out our lives that can be described as "for many days without a sacrifice?" A man who has never trusted the Lord Jesus' death on the cross be described as someone as "for many days...without a sacrifice."
My friend, the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ is our only option. He's our only hope.

Friday, January 26, 2024


Can Good Works Pay For The Penalty Of Our Sins? No, because sin, every single sin, is a heinous spiritual crime against God. It's not a minor offense that can be settled by doing "community service" so to speak. A man who deserves the death penalty and yet is made to pay up his crime by picking trash, working at charitable institutions, and participating in community projects has not adequately fulfilled the demands of justice. Sin is no light matter. Death is its penalty. And so, the Lord Jesus Christ came to die for our sins. His death was a must. And it's only through His death on the cross that the demands of justice can truly be satisfied. Avail of it, by trusting in it.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


1Co 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Take note of the spiritual condition of those who are not saved here - they are tagged as "perishING." Sadly, many of them are blind and ignorant about their condition. Nothing bad has happened to them so far; everything is perfectly alright, so they think. 

A made-up story is told about a man who jumped off a building. The spectators down below were terrified but the man was perfectly calm. As he passed by a window, he looked at a man in his room and said: "Everything's perfectly alright so far."

That's the condition of many today. They know that they have fallen into sin; they know that they are sinners. They walk around this world and nothing bad has happened to them so far. Everything seems to be okay.

Until they reach the "last level" so to speak where it's going to be a lot of hurt and pain. 

My friend, if you are still unsaved this is exactly your spiritual condition - you are perishing. You need some good old saving! Trust in the Savior and what He did on the cross and be saved. 


Monday, January 22, 2024


The Two Types Of People Who Will Be In Heaven 

There are only two types of people who will be in heaven:

First, people who are perfect

If you have a perfect record, then, of course, you can go to heaven. You and I don't have this perfect record. God knows, you know, your family members know, your friends know, the people around you know that you are not perfect. 

The Bible says "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 6:23)

Second, people who are pardoned

These are people who have been released from the punishment of sin because Another has borne their punishment, namely, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ died for their sins; they took advantage of this blessed fact, they made use of it; they trusted in what the Lord Jesus did for them at Calvary's cross, now they are pardoned.  

My friend, you know you can't show a perfect record. Going to heaven by being pardoned is the only way for us. This pardon is available for you right now in Christ Jesus. You can receive it by putting your faith in what He did on the cross for you.