Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Ro 7:5 For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law...

Fallen man in his natural condition---a man "in the flesh"--- is so crooked and perverted, we are by nature crooks and perverts, that even what is good and holy and righteous stirs up our sinful desires and passions.

There is nothing wrong with God's law but there is something fundamentally wrong in us. There is a nature in us that is stirred up to rebel against the law. It is irritated by it. The more the law forbids, the more we desire.

That is why we have a saying: "What is forbidden is sweet".  That is why doing bad comes naturally easy to us. That is why people do not naturally find the Ten commandments their favorite verses of the Bible.

How we need God's saving and transforming grace in Christ Jesus.