Thursday, January 31, 2019


Job 40:9 Have you an arm like God? ...
Job 40:14 Then I will also confess to you That your own right hand can save you.

God is speaking here. Let's apply this to spiritual salvation. God is saying here that if you are as powerful as Him, if you have the strength of His arm then you can save yourself.

Question is: "Who is as powerful as God?" There is no one who is as powerful as Him. Therefore, salvation is humanly impossible to accomplish. If ever sinful man can be saved, he must be saved by the power or the arm of God.

Enter the Lord Jesus Christ. Who is He? "...Christ the power of God..." 1Co 1:24

Since He is the power of God then it is He who can save you. Come to Him. Rely on Him and what He did on the cross for your salvation. He can be relied upon for your salvation. After all, He is the arm or the power of God.

Friday, January 25, 2019


Misconceptions About Salvation #18: "The Gospel is a set of rules or code of behavior."

The cause of this misconception is ignorance of the Gospel message; lack of knowledge as to its content.

The word "Gospel" simply means good news. Mark it down --- It's NEWS, not a set of rules, regulations and commands. It refers to an information or report about something that happened. It's GOOD news because it's a report of something that happened that's beneficial for us sinners.

What then is the Gospel message? It is simply the report that Christ died for our sins and was raised from the dead. Man's greatest problem is sin. And anything that could remedy that is the Good News. And Christ dying for our sins means that a payment has been provided for our sins. That God already accepted it by raising Him from the dead.

The good news however is something to be received by us sinners in order to enter into the good of it. God commands us all to receive it by faith.

The question is --- will you receive and accept this good news of a message by putting your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus and what He did for you?

Friday, January 4, 2019


The Three Tenses Of Salvation

--- A Christian is someone who is SAVED from the penalty of sin (past tense)
Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been SAVED through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
--- A Christian is someone who is BEING SAVED from the power and pleasure of sin (present tense)
1Co 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are BEING SAVED it is the power of God.
--- A Christian is someone who WILL BE SAVED from the presence of sin (prospective tense)
Ro 13:11 And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation IS NEARER than when we first believed.

A Christian is someone who is saved, is being saved, and will be saved. Get one and you get all the rest. And you can have it all through faith in Christ Jesus. The moment you trust in Him for salvation and what He did on the cross is the moment that the three will become surely yours.