Friday, September 29, 2023


Mercy and Grace In Time of Need 

HEB 4:16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Let's zero in on the expression here "mercy and...grace to help in time of need." Let's apply this to salvation: 

As sinners who badly need salvation, we are always in a time of need...moment by moment. Sadly, not many realize their need. Not many realize the beggarly and miserable condition they are in. 

However, if you are reading this and have realized your needy condition, my friend, there is mercy and grace for you. Where? There at the cross of Calvary. In a very real sense, the cross of Calvary is the Lord's "throne of grace" and His "mercy seat." 

All you have to do is to draw near with confidence and faith in it for your salvation. 


Thursday, September 28, 2023


The Christian Triad Of Faith, Hope, and Love

If we are to summarize Christianity in three words, it would be faith, hope, and love. 

Let's apply this to salvation. As sinners, if we pause for a while and take stock of our lives right at this very moment, we are in danger. In danger of past sin, present selfishness, and prospective separation or death. 

The answer to the past danger of sin is faith, that is, faith in the death of the Lord Jesus Christ for our sins. 

The answer to the prospective danger of separation or death is the hope of the glorious resurrection which the Lord Jesus Christ made available by rising from the dead. 
The answer to the present danger of selfishness is the love that being united to the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ makes possible. 

It all begins with faith. Once you put your faith in Christ and have your sins graciously hurled to oblivion, you will have a glorious hope for the future and a godly heart for your fellows. 

Monday, September 25, 2023


Salvation By Works Requires Some Literal Flying To Accomplish 

The ascension of the Lord Jesus to heaven is not a convenient, cop-out explanation as to why the Lord Jesus is not here on earth if He resurrected. 

One of the reasons for His ascension is this --- Just as the priests in the Old Testament went inside the Tabernacle or the Temple to the Most Holy Place to present the sacrifice for sin so the Lord Jesus had to go to God's presence in heaven to present Himself there as the satisfaction for man's sin. It's the offender who must go to the offended and make amends. The Lord Jesus as the sinner's representative had to go to God. The sacrifice at the cross was the first phase. The ascension and presentation of Himself to God in heaven is the completion phase of the work He started here on earth.

If you want to be saved by your own efforts, you must realize that after your endeavors here on earth, there remains the impossibly daunting task of ascending to heaven and presenting what you did to God. 

If you can't ascend to God then forget it! Why not take the simplest and only way available? Why not simply place your trust in Christ who died on the cross and then ascended to heaven? 


Saturday, September 23, 2023


Through Jesus Christ 

The expression "through Jesus Christ" appears again and again in the New Testament. God's blessings flow down from Him to us through the Lord Jesus Christ. He channels them all through Him. 

In pardoning a sinner, many think that it is simply a matter of God directly exercising clemency to a sinner.
 They go to God and see no need for the Lord Jesus Christ. They can do without Him. They feel that they can just ask for forgiveness from God and that's it. They go away feeling confident that their forgiveness has been secured...just like that. Salvation without Jesus, forgiveness without Jesus, divine mercy without Jesus are wicked lies brewed in the cauldron of Satan. Satan wants sinners to bypass the cross of Christ in Calvary. No. No. No. Open your eyes. God's blessings have always been through Jesus Christ. God's spiritual blessings are the fruits of the tree of Calvary. You can't have them without the tree. You can't have them without the Lord Jesus Christ. Put your trust in what the Lord Jesus Christ did for you at Calvary Cross. Find salvation, forgiveness of sins and pardon for all your sins through Him.

Monday, September 18, 2023


The Saving Merit Is In The Cross-Work Of Christ 

Apart from the grace of God, our righteous works are filthy rags in the sight of God (Isaiah 64:6). Apart from His grace, our good works are not good works to God. Apart from His grace, no one has ever done what is good (Romans 3:12). Apart from the grace of God, all our religious achievements and credentials are rubbish (Philippians 3:4-8). All these are shaky foundations to base one's salvation on.  

In the salvation of a sinner, the saving merit is in the cross-work of the Lord Jesus Christ. It has all the sufficient worthwhile and good qualities to save a sinner. 

Grab hold of the saving merits available for you in the death of the Lord Jesus Christ for sinners like you and me. Make good use of it by putting your faith in it. Let His merit be your merit. Trust in His merit, not your own. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


You Are Never Busy Enough To Die And Face Eternity 

A lot of people are consumed by busyness. Preoccupied with so many things. Always a hectic schedule. They are engrossed with this and engrossed with that. Too engaged in attaining their goal. Too consumed in making money. Too wrapped up building that dream house. Too immersed in pursuing that car. Too absorbed in the meticulous preparations for retirement.  

In all these things, they forget that they are never busy enough to die...and then face eternity. 

My friend, don't be too busy living for today that you forget to prepare for a tomorrow that never ends. 
Slow down. Make time for things that matter forever. Don't be so taken up with other things that they drown out the conviction of the Holy Spirit. 

Realize that you are a sinner in desperate need of salvation, and come to Christ, the Savior, who was never busy enough to die for all your sins so that you can face eternity. 

Monday, September 4, 2023


Jesus --- Your Short Cut To Salvation 

John 6:18 The sea began to be stirred up because a strong wind was blowing.
John 6:19 Then, when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat; and they were frightened.
John 6:21 So they were willing to receive Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.

This is a miracle done by the Lord Jesus that is less known. The wind was strong. The rowing was a struggle. They saw the Savior. They received Him into the boat. Suddenly, instantly, immediately, in the twinkling of an eye, they did not have to row any farther, they got to their destination. 

Let's apply this to salvation: 

Many people today, in the troublesome sea of life, are rowing very, very hard to save themselves. They have rowed far enough "about three or four miles in," tired, weary and all, and still they are where they are. Salvation by works and self-effort is a long, never-ending, and interminable voyage. It takes an impossible "long time" to achieve perfection. 

If only they would be willing to receive the Lord Jesus, through faith in His already finished work on the cross, right there and then, they would have been delivered and saved immediately and miraculously. 

So, how about you? Are you willing to take the only way to be saved? Are you willing to receive Jesus into your "boat?" Are you willing to take the Savior's miraculous shortcut?