Tuesday, March 26, 2013


A Sinner Must Be Convicted To Be Converted

Before a man can experientially know the salvation of Christ, he must first know who and what he is in the eyes of God. That he is a sinner helpless and hopeless to save himself. Aware of this knowledge, he will look and flee to the Savior who alone can save him.

Lamentably, we often rush someone to "decide" to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior even if he obviously has not seen his true condition before God by the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit. As a necessary result, we have so many shallow conversions and fill our churches with spiritual goats.

You don't truly need a Savior when you have not truly seen yourself a sinner hopeless and helpless to save yourself. You must know that you are dead to realize that you need life. Without conviction of sin there is no true conversion.

A true and faithful evangelist will not only preach vigorously the free grace of God in salvation but he also preaches the utter lost condition of man before God. He preaches the one as much as he preaches the other. The latter is in preparation for the former.

It is alarming to hear testimonies of so called conversions that are totally devoid of any trace of conviction of sin in their lives. It is not surprising therefore that there is not even a mention of "Christ" in their testimonies.

Christ is prominent when conviction of sin is present.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


How A Russian Got Saved

True Story

A Russian Christian was asked: "How were you saved?" This is his testimony:

When he was about 17 years of age, he was filled with the overwhelming desire to know God. There were no Bibles in Russia during those times. Russia was under communism.

Bibles were not made available but anti-Christian literature were circulated. He got hold of a copy of an atheistic dictionary which contained Bible verses in it. Bible verses were only there in order to be contradicted.

He cut out all the Bible verses that were in there and placed them all in a notebook. The notebook became practically his own Bible. Reading it, he came to know Christ in a saving way.

He realized that he was a sinner in need of a Savior. Trusting in Christ alone for salvation, he got saved.

Compare him to many people today, who have complete Bibles from Genesis to Revelation made readily available for them, but still they have not found Christ in a saving way.

The Russian man is a lesson for all---any sinner who is truly seeking God, can find Him, even in an atheistic literature that seeks to gainsay His Word.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Will You Go With This Man?
Ge 24:58 Then they called Rebekah and said to her, "Will you go with this man?" And she said, "I will go."

Genesis 24 is the story of Abraham seeking a wife for His son Isaac. He sent his trusted servant (probably Eliezer) to find a wife for him. Abraham's servant found Rebekah and her family and told them everything as to what he was sent for.
A question was posed to Rebekah: "Will you go with this man?" She replied: "I will go." And he led her to Isaac, Abraham's unique son, and they became married.
This is nothing less than a picture and an illustration of salvation. God the Father sends the Holy Spirit, presenting Christ, God's Son, to the sinner. One of the Spirit's ministries is to woo the sinner to Christ. If the sinner does not resists the Spirit, he will be led to the Savior for salvation.
If you are reading this article right now and you have these desires to repent and come to Christ, know that that is the Holy Spirit wooing you.
Will you go with this "Man," the Holy Spirit, to lead you to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation?


Settle Your Case Out Of Court 

You are a sinner. Someday you will have to face judgment. The Judge will be the Lord Jesus Christ and you will have to answer Him in the Great White Throne Judgment. 

You can be sure of the verdict---GUILTY. The future for you is dark, bleak and frightening. But you can settle your case out of that court. There is a way of putting your future judgment behind you. 

You see, when the Lord Jesus Christ died for you 2000 years ago, He died for all your sins against God. He took the punishment and the judgment that you justly deserve. He became your Substitute.

If you just accept Him as your Substitute, by trusting in what He did for you on the cross, then the whole thing will be settled. Judgment for you will be a thing of the past---God will view you as having been already judged in the person of your Substitute 2000 years ago. 

And you can face the future, not in fear of God's judgment but with hope and anticipation of glory. 

Settle your case out of court!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


A runaway slave was fleeing for his life. He was born a slave and he lived as a slave his entire life. But he was tired of it all and wanted freedom. One day he found himself very near the border of another country. 

He could see the inviting flag offering him liberty and freedom. If only he could reach the border and take hold of the flag, he would be freed, for he would be in another country, in another jurisdiction that offered freedom to anyone within its borders. 

He could see border guards of both countries with their long guns clinging to their arms. He realized that it would be a hundred-meter dash. Would he risk it? Would he put his life on the line? 

He thought of the sufferings and the hardships of being a slave and said to himself: "It's either death or freedom for me. I would rather die than be a slave!" 

Without a moment's hesitation, he made a mad dash toward the flag. With all the strength his legs could muster, with every fiber of his being, he put one leg after another in rapid succession. 

In no time, he could hear gunshots coming his way. He could sense the zing of bullets whizzing by him. Death was chasing him but life was before him. With each stride, the flag was becoming closer and closer. 

More bullets pierced through the air. But on he went unharmed. 10 meters...5 meters...4 meters...3 meters...2 meters and then the flag! All of a sudden the gunshots ceased. Slavery and death could not reach him beyond the flag. He was a free man! 

In the same way, the penalty of death and slavery to sin, could not reach a sinner beyond the cross of Christ in Calvary. The sinner who takes refuge in what Christ did on the cross is saved, safe and secure from God's judgment and sin's slavery.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Dr. Law and Dr. Grace

Let me tell you a story from evangelist Lester Roloff. 
A sick and dying man went to Dr. Law to have himself checked. The diagnosis was not good. Dr. Law told him that he was a terminally ill man and that he was going to die.

"I am going to recommend you to a good doctor who can cure you", offered Dr. Law. 

"No thanks! I am going to another doctor who will tell me what I want to hear." angrily, the man replied. 

And so off he went and came to Dr. Religion. "Well, all you have to do is go to church regularly, have yourself baptized and do a lot of good works and you will be fine." prescribed Dr. Religion.

After paying 500 pesos, he went home and followed Dr. Religion's prescription. But after 6 months, he was no better. In fact, he got worse. The symptoms were gone but inside he could feel that he was not getting any better. 

After trying all other doctors and spending lots of money, the man was sick as ever. And so he went back to Dr. Law: "Dr. Law, I am all yours. I want you to cure me." the man said. But to his surprise Dr. Law replied: "Nope, I cannot cure you. But I know of one who can. I am going to take you to Dr. Grace."

And so Dr. Law led him to Dr. Grace's clinic. As Dr. Law was leaving, the man asked: "Where are you going Dr. Law? Are you not going to help Dr. Grace?" Dr. Law replied: "Nope, Dr. Grace can do it alone." 

Dr. Grace did a major surgery on him and he was cured. Fishing for his wallet, he asked: "How much do I owe you Dr. Grace?" Dr. Grace replied: "It is all for free. It's all been paid by a man named Jesus."

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Salvation Principles Taken From Ordinary Events In Life

At a bus station, a queue of people can be seen. All sorts of people---the good, the bad, the worse and the terrible. Religious, moral and immoral people all line up waiting for their turns to ride the bus. 

The conductor will not ask you if you are a good person or a bad person for him to let you in. All he needs to see is the ticket in your hand for you to be allowed to enter the bus. 

It is the same way with salvation, it is not our good characters or our bad characters that will determine whether we enter heaven or not. It all depends on "The Ticket", the Savior Himself. 

It all depends on the question: "Have we received His salvation or not?" 

That salvation can be received simply by faith in Him and what He did on the cross. It is a free "ticket" in other words. Do you have it? Have you received it?

Thursday, March 7, 2013


PS 71:16 "...I will make mention of Your righteousness, Yours alone."

Let's apply the principle of this verse to salvation. The saved sinner does not say to God: 

"Lord, You must accept me, You must let me in to Your presence because I did this and I did that. I did a lot of good works and righteous deeds." 

No, he knows better than that. Through the Spirit's conviction he has realized that all his righteous deeds are "filthy rags" in the eyes of God (see Isaiah 64:6), that they are unacceptable to God, and so the convicted sinner will never dare to mention what he has done in order to be accepted by God. 

Through the Spirit's illumination he has realized that God accepts only the righteousness that comes from Him through faith in Christ. 

Php 3:9 and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith

And so the saved sinner's language goes something like this: 

"I dare not plead acceptance on the basis of my righteous deeds. I have none in Your sight. I will only plead acceptance on the basis of the righteousness that You gave to me when I placed my faith in Christ. He Himself is my righteousness and so it is Him that I will mention for You to accept me."


Misconceptions About Salvation 

#13 "Give your heart to God for salvation." 

The cause of this misconception is the failure to realize that salvation is not about giving something to God, rather it is taking and receiving from Him. Not give but take!

It is not "For God so loved the world that whoever gives his heart to God shall not perish but have eternal life."

No, rather it is "For God so loved the world that He gave His very heart (His one and only Son) that whoever receives Him (trusts in Him) shall not perish but have eternal life."

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Isa 53:10 ...You make His soul an offering for sin... 

Isaiah 53 is a prophecy about the substitutionary death of the Lord Jesus Christ. In order for sin to be atoned, a sacrifice must be offered. No sacrifice that man can offer for his sin will satisfy God. 

The only sacrifice that will do is the one offered by God Himself at the cross of Calvary---the death of His own dear Son. Here am I a guilty sinner lost and bound for judgment. Nothing from me can atone for my sins. I need an acceptable sacrifice and offering.

Then I looked at Calvary where the Son of God was made an offering for sin. It was enough, sufficient and adequate to answer all my sins against God. Standing by the cross in faith, I say to God: 

"Here is my sacrifice. I have nothing to give for my sins, but here is the offering that You Yourself have given for sinners like me. I am standing by it, counting on it and depending on it alone to atone for all of my sins." 

Do you think God will refuse the sacrifice that He Himself has given for sinners? Absolutely not! Trust in what the Savior did. His sacrifice is the only offering that can deal with your sins.