Thursday, May 19, 2022


Banking on Death-Bed Repentance

The longer you delay repentance the harder you will become toward it. Sin has a hardening effect. The "repentance" you plan on doing when you are close to death is "attrition." Not genuine and true repentance in the sight of God.
There is only one case of "death-bed" repentance, if we may put it that way, in the Bible --- the robber on the cross who repented. Someone said in effect: "One case so that no one may despair, but, only one case so that no one may presume."
Here's the result of the survey--- There are many cases of sinners who repented in the Bible. The Bible records at least 4,000 years of human history. Yet, there is only one case in inspired history that God truly recognized as genuine when it comes to near-death repentance.
If you delay repentance for some other time, perhaps on your death-bed, what made you think that yours will be a unique case?