Saturday, April 8, 2023


The Gospel According To "Saint John" The Methodist Circuit Rider 

He is one of the unsung heroes of Church History. His name is not well-known. They just called him "Saint John." He would travel on a regular circuit, visiting multiple towns and settlements, preaching the Gospel to the people he would meet.

One of his methods in sharing the Gospel was this --- He would go out into the mines and inquire for the names of miners who went down sick the longest. And then he would volunteer to work for their shifts. Dark, dusty, and sooty, there he was working hard down in the mine. There, he would preach the gospel to other other miners and then he would emerge out from the mine after some days and then he would go to the sick miner's house and give the money to him. He would sit down with the sick miner by the fire and preach the gospel to him, using what he did as an illustration of what the Lord Jesus Christ did for sinners. Many people came to Christ because of what "Saint John" did. 

The world right now is upside down. People like "Saint John" should be the heroes of the world, acknowledged, celebrated and applauded. And yet "Saint John" rode into the sunset of his life largely unrecognized. In God's kingdom, God will turn it right side up. And nobodies like "Saint John" will forever be somebodies there. I am curious to know his real name.

Here's the gospel according to "Saint John" The Methodist Circuit Rider:

We are the  miners down in this dark, dusty and sooty cave called the world. Down and out, we could not do anything for ourselves. But the Lord Jesus came and took our shift. And there on the cross earned salvation for us. And He comes to us offering us salvation for free. All we have to do is to receive it freely from his hand by faith.