Saturday, July 29, 2023


 "It's Hard Being Good! It's Easy Being Bad!"

That's what a young kid confessed when he was told off by his father for being mean to his siblings.
That right there is what we are essentially. From our experience, good is a long and hard climb to the top laden with effort and exertion. Bad is an easy slide down below. The Bible even says that all our righteous deeds are filthy rags! (Isa.64:6).
God's right! We are sinners; not righteousers! We need a miracle. We need to be born again. We need a whole new life. We need a new nature. A new nature that would reverse the whole thing "It's easy being good! It's hard being bad!" That could only come through faith in Christ.
"He who believes (trusts) in the Son has everlasting life..." John 3:36

Thursday, July 27, 2023



Lu 8:49 While He was still speaking, someone came from the ruler of the synagogue's house, saying to him, "Your daughter is dead. Do not trouble the Teacher."
Lu 8:50 But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, "Do not be afraid; ONLY BELIEVE, and she will be made well."
The miracles of the Lord Jesus were called signs (John 20:30-31). As "signs" they point to something else. They are not the end themselves. Signs, you see, point beyond themselves to a greater reality.
That the Lord Jesus physically raised the dead here points to something greater. If He could do this in the physical realm then He could also do this in the spiritual realm.
What did He require in the physical resurrection of the little girl here? ONLY BELIEVE. The Old Testament prophesied that the Messiah would be a conqueror of death. That He would have the power to do it. And so, the father here was urged to "only believe" in Jesus. He will be given a demonstration of His Messiahhood as God promised Israel in the Old Testament.
What is true in the physical dimension is also true in the spiritual dimension. As sinners, we are all spiritually dead. What does He require from us to be made alive spiritually?
Writing to the Colossians who trusted in Christ, Paul said this:
Col 2:12 ... in which YOU ALSO WERE RAISED WITH HIM THROUGH FAITH in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.
God is now offering to the Jews and non-Jews alike the promise of spiritual life. Only believe is His requirement! Faith alone in the crucified Christ alone is enough for one's salvation!

Saturday, July 15, 2023


Faith Alone In The Savior: Simple But Not Insignificant

There are lots of simple and uncomplicated activities and events in this blue planet of ours that carries with it tremendous significance.
Saying "I do" at a wedding ceremony seems pretty simple. But it carries a tremendous lifelong significance. Simple does not mean insignificant. There are simple events that are, in fact, momentous.
Stepping inside a plane and willing to fly in it is simple and yet it is a tremendously significant event. You are entrusting your safety and security to it.
Stepping inside a boat is the same. Depositing your life savings in a bank is another. We could cite other examples.
A lot of people are turned off by the simplicity of the condition of salvation (faith alone) saying: "What? That simple! No! That's too good to be true!"
But simple doesn't have to mean insignificant. Yes, entrusting your eternal destiny to Christ by simply putting your reliance on what He did on the cross is simple enough. But, look, at what you are entrusting and committing to Him --- Your ETERNAL DESTINY! It is something tremendously significant.
Are you willing to do the simple and yet tremendously significant act of the heart of trusting in Christ and what He did on the cross for your salvation?

Sunday, July 9, 2023


 The Titan Tragedy --- Be Sure Your Faith Is Not Misplaced 

There is no question that the people on board the Titan really had faith, even strong faith, yes, even genuine faith in the submersible. They had faith in it so much that they were willing to deposit themselves in it down into the deep, dark, and deadly ocean.

But what is strong and genuine faith if it is something that's misplaced? Our faith is only as good as the object of our faith. You can't go to Switzerland if your plane is really going to North Korea even if you have strong and genuine faith that it is.   

A lot of people have no problem with regard to the quality of their faith. Their problem, a fatal one, is in the placement of their faith. Many people believe that their good works are "Titan" enough to save them. The Bible says "Nope, it will implode. It will all end in tragedy." 

Here's someone that will never implode ---  The Lord Jesus went through all the pressure of the wrath of God at Calvary for us and came out of it alive three days later.  

If you want to be saved, you must place your faith squarely and exclusively in Him and what He did on the cross and you will be safe...forever safe as the all-powerful God could save you.

* The seminal idea of this write-up came from the ladies in our little church

Monday, July 3, 2023


 Christ's Atonement --- The Only Way Out

If God does not take sin seriously then our good works may be able to pay for its penalty. But, if He does it take it seriously (and He does!) then no amount of good works can pay for the penalty of our sins and therefore save us.

We will all have to face a God who takes sin very, very, very seriously. A God who declared that the "wages of sin is death" (Rom. 6:23).

Only an eternal death can satisfy an absolutely holy and eternal God who takes sin very seriously. It's eternal death or nothing for us. It really looks like it's game over for us. But hope springs eternal when the Lord Jesus Christ came and died FOR us and AS us. His death on the cross for us has an eternal value because He who died on the cross was Himself eternal.

Now, all we have to do is to appropriate His death on the cross for us by relying on it. It was provisionally for us. Now, we must embrace it and cling to it for dear life.

And God who sees you making use of Christ's death on the cross will declare your sins as forever paid and cancelled.

Sunday, July 2, 2023



MK 16:2 Very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the sun had risen.
This verse could have been written like this as well: “Very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the SON (yup! S-O-N) had risen.”
That the SUN had risen is the perfect illustration of what happened on this day. Just as the sun rose on this day so the Son rose on this day.
Imagine this --- What would it be like if the S-U-N will not rise anymore? Among other things, we would all be in bleak black darkness. The temperature would drop leaving us in extreme cold. Our mental health will be affected. Darkness is depressing, even maddening. There will be no more flowers; no more plants; they will wither. No more colors. No more beauty.
Now, imagine if the SON did not rise from the dead. We would all be in spiritual total darkness. We would not feel the warmth of God’s love at all. We will all be in grief and sorrow for our sins. We will all wither. We would all be barren and desolate. Spiritually, there will be no flowers, no colors, no beauty.
For the non-resurrection of the Son would have been the divine rejection of the Son's death on the cross for sinners. And if His death on the cross was rejected then there would have been no salvation for anyone at all.
Every time you look at a sunrise think of the SONrise.
Think that one day the long night of sin and darkness will give way to the eternal day of a new universe that knows no night. And you can be there if you repent and trust in the death of the Lord Jesus for our sins and His resurrection.