Wednesday, August 17, 2016


1Co 15:3 ...Christ died FOR our sins...

The doctrine of substitution, the blessed fact that Christ died FOR our sins instead of us dying for it, should be enough to convince anyone that salvation is not the result of our own efforts. A substitute is someone who takes our place and functions in our behalf---instead of us, Him!

When a player takes the place of another player on the court during a game, who does all the playing? No one co-plays with a substitute. When a worker is substituted by another to function in his place, who does all the work? No one co-works with a substitute. If Christ is our substitute, who does all the saving?

Now, if Christ died for our sins, then it follows that He has taken cared of our salvation. The very thing that could damn us (our sins) has been addressed and answered in the fullest measure.

What's there left for us to do in order to enjoy what He did? Nothing but to rest in faith and be satisfied with what He did for us.