Friday, February 17, 2012


Mt 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

For almost two years I labored and toiled to make myself perfectly righteous before God. My all-consuming passion was to be perfectly righteous in God's eyes.

I tried to obey all the minute details of God's law outwardly and inwardly. I could control my external actions but certainly not the inward motions of my heart. My heart was a fountain of sinful desires. I could plug the leak from overflowing but then I realized that the leak itself was sin.

Emotionally drained, physically exhausted and psychologically battered, I was like a boxer knocked down in the twelfth round; I could not get up and I won't get up.

For the first time my eyes were opened that I could not do it. It was then that the work of Christ on the cross became clear to me. I came in faith and I found rest. No longer will I ever labor to save myself. I am resting in the Savior.

What He did was enough for God and it is enough for me.