Sunday, December 30, 2012


1Jo 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us.

1Jo 4:10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

We are not saved by our love for God. Rather, we are saved by His love for us as expressed in the cross of Calvary. 

And we show our love to Him by obeying His commandments, by doing good works etc. We do good works not to be saved. We do good works to show our THANK YOU and express our I LOVE YOU to the Lord Jesus for saving us.

Salvation is not about our love for God, it is about His love for us sinners as seen in Calvary, if we trust in it.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


The Wise Men

Mt 2:1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem,

2 saying, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him."

The wise men are representative of people who seek the Savior with all their hearts. Many Bible scholars say that they came from Babylon---that would take about 300 miles to travel! 

Can you imagine the sore hardships they went through in traveling those seemingly interminable miles? I mean, even traveling a 100-mile journey in a comfortable air-conditioned car is unnerving enough. 

Can you imagine the risk they placed themselves? Traveling in those times was dangerous. You could get easily waylaid and ambushed and robbed on the way. 

But in spite of the forbidding distance they had to travel, the distressing discomfort they would have to endure and the life-threatening danger that lay ahead of them, they still sought the Savior.

(Compare them to many people today who render themselves unable to attend Bible studies because of rain or because of a severe HAIRache or because it would take 2 rides to reach etc.) 

The wise men were faithful to the small light that they had. There was this small supernatural star pointing them to the Savior. They were faithful to the light they had, and they were led to the Savior---the true Light of the world. 

This answers the question: “What about people who live in faraway lands who have no Bibles? How can they be saved?”

If they are faithful to the light that God has given them (since God has given each and every single person light like Creation in front of them and conscience within them), if they are truly seeking God, God will guide them to the Savior.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


No Room For Christ

Lu 2:7 And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because THERE WAS NO ROOM FOR HIM IN THE INN.

Zero in on that expression: "NO ROOM FOR HIM". 

It was a very busy day in a little town called Bethlehem, Judea. Many Jews came to Judea to be registered. The King of the universe was born, and they had no room for Him. The world was preoccupied with many things that they missed the King Himself. 

They had no room for Him. The only place where there was room for Him was on a cross

These four words describe many people this season who profess to celebrate the Incarnation Day in memory of the birth of the Lord Jesus---they have no room for Him in their hearts! Their hearts to Him are as dry as the Sahara desert. 

They are busy with Christmas decors, gifts, party, greetings but Christ is not in their hearts. The memory that Christ was born 2000 years ago to be the Savior of sinners is a bore, a chore, and a lore tucked in the head but not tied to the heart.

Have you no room for the Savior in your heart? Are you simply a nominal and professing Christian and nothing more? You can receive Christ now by trusting in Him for salvation.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


What Is It To Have Saving Faith In Christ? 

* To have saving faith in Christ means to entrust your soul's salvation to Him.

* It is to trust Him and what He did on the cross. 

* It is to rely on Him and nothing and no one else for your salvation.

* It is to depend on Him alone for salvation. 

* It is to be convinced and persuaded that salvation can only be found in Him through His death on the cross for our sins. 

* It is to be completely satisfied that His death on the cross was the sufficient payment for all our sins---past, present and future.

* It is to be utterly confident that what He did was eternally enough.

* It is to find in Him as your only hope of salvation.

True saving faith in Christ, however, is the result of realizing that we are sinners totally powerless and helpless to save ourselves. For it is only men and women who realize their desperate condition that throw themselves completely to the Savior.


Joh 1:14 And the Word (Jesus) became flesh and dwelt among us...

In about a few days, many people will celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus. And the reason for the season is about the Incarnation. It's about God the Son's coming into the world and taking humanity into Himself.

Man needs to be saved. And the only way for him to be saved is through a Substitute. Without a Substitute, man, as a guilty sinner, will have to suffer and pay for his sins.

The only qualified substitute for man is a Man Himself. And so He came and became a human being without ceasing to be God. Think about it! God and Man in one indivisible person!

As such, He can reconcile sinful Man back to God in Himself for those who will put their trust in Him. He Himself in His blessed person has become the Way back to God. He Himself is the access to God.

No sinner will ever reach God through any other way. It's not in religion, it's in a person who is God and Man at the same time.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


A Different Gospel 

Ga 1:6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to A DIFFERENT GOSPEL,

7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to PERVERT THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST.

The Gospel is the Good News that Christ died for the sins of sinners and rose again from the dead, and that if we put our trust in Him and what He did on the cross, we will be saved. 

To present another plan and method of salvation aside from this is a DIFFERENT GOSPEL. It is a perversion of the GOSPEL OF CHRIST. 

When someone comes to you and tells you that in order to be saved you must be a member of their church, he is preaching a different gospel.

When another comes to you and tells you that in order to be saved you must obey the 10 Commandments, he is preaching a different gospel. God clearly tells us that "...a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ..." Gal. 2:16

When somebody says that in order to be saved we must pay for our sins by our sacrifices, he is preaching a different gospel. For we are not saved by our sacrifices, we are saved by the sacrifice of Christ. 

When a moralist comes to you and says that we are saved by good character, by being ethical, by altruism etc., he is preaching a different gospel. Salvation is not by Christ and by being good. Salvation is solely by faith in Christ. Being good is the result. 

Any method of salvation that is based on self and what self can do is a different gospel. The true Gospel, the only way of salvation is based on the Savior and what He did on the cross.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Why do you not love Jesus? 

True Story

An atheist was once approached by a little girl. The little girl asked him: "Why do you not love Jesus?" He ignored her and just went ahead. But the little girl asked him again: "Why do you not love Jesus?" 

Ignoring her a second time, he just went on. But for the third time the girl asked him, this time with tears in her eyes: "Why do you not love Jesus?" 

And again, as in the case of many, that question was used by the Holy Spirit to bring conviction to his heart. Everywhere he went, the question kept ringing in his ear: "Why do you not love Jesus?" 

In the business place: "Why do you not love Jesus?" 
With friends: "Why do you not love Jesus?" 
With his family: "Why do you not love Jesus?" 

Even the words from his pen seem to form themselves and ask: "Why do you not love Jesus?" 

At night time, when he was about to go to sleep, the pillow seemed to whisper in his ear: "Why do you not love Jesus?" 

He took out a Bible and decided to read the book of John, in the hopes of trying to find a contradiction that could give him some justification. He looked in vain. 

In the end, the arrow of conviction pierced deeply into his heart, he saw himself a sinner and then found salvation in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


1Co 15:22 " Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."

All human beings are either IN ADAM or IN CHRIST in the eyes of God. All of us are naturally born in Adam. We need to be born again supernaturally in order to be in Christ. 

Imagine two trains: the first is called "Adam" and the second is called "Jesus Christ."

We were born naturally in the first, we need to be born again in order to be in the second. The destination of the first is heading towards death and judgment, while the destination of the second is heading towards life and blessing.

We need to transfer to the second. No matter how many good works and religious activities you do in the first does not alter its destination. We cannot save ourselves by our efforts away from being in Adam. 

We must be transferred by God's grace to the other. And it is only through faith in the Savior and what He did on the cross can this happen.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


How Good Must You Be In Order To Earn Eternal Life?
De 10:12 "And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in *ALL* His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with *ALL* your heart and with *ALL* your soul
Notice the word "ALL". It connotes the ideas of completeness and totality. God demands from us complete and total obedience from the heart. Have you obeyed God completely and totally?
Ga 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who does not *CONTINUE* in *ALL* things which are written in the book of the law, to do them."
Notice the words "CONTINUE" and "ALL". It means that God does not only want complete and total obedience, He also demands that we maintain complete and total obedience to Him. In other words, He demands perfect obedience continually. Have you obeyed God perfectly?
Jas 2:10 For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.
Notice that the law was a unit. You break one, you are guilty of all. How many legs of a chair must you break in order to render it useless in connection to what it was made for? You break one and you have practically damaged the whole chair.
Let's answer our question: "How good must you be in order to earn eternal life?"
You'll have to maintain total and complete obedience. You'll have to obey God perfectly. But you say: "But that's impossible for anyone to do!"
Correct! None of us can obey God perfectly. We all sin. And that is why we need the Savior. That is why you must come to Christ for salvation. You cannot save yourself, you need to trust in Him who died on the cross for you.
God lets us know about His perfect standard so that we will realize that we cannot save ourselves and that we need Christ.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


A Religious Man And A Christian Contrasted

The Religious Man says: "I am a good person compared to others. I go to church regularly. I offer money to the church and I give money to the poor. I read my Bible every now and then. I also prayed a prayer of salvation. My good works outweigh my bad ones, I try to keep the 10 Commandments as well." 

The religious man's foundation of salvation is in his own good efforts and religious acts. Notice, that his salvation is founded on SELF, what self did and what self did not do.

He prayed the prayer of salvation alright but his trust is in it, and not on the Savior. Many people who prayed the prayer are trusting in the prayer they made to the Savior instead of trusting the Savior through that prayer. 

The Saved Man says: "I know that I am a sinner worthy of judgment. I am helpless and powerless in myself to save myself, and so that is why I am depending on Christ. I am relying on what He did on the cross for my salvation. I am trusting in Him alone for salvation. I have entrusted the salvation of my soul to Him.

The saved man's foundation of salvation is on what Christ did. His salvation is founded not on self but on the SAVIOR.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Re 21:1 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away...

2Co 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation...

There are two creations: the old creation and the new creation. God is now in the process of making a new creation. We live in this old, sinful and fallen world were pain, suffering, death and sin abound. 

Sin contaminates. When it entered through the Fall of Man, it contaminated everything: the heavens, the earth and man himself. 

But in the coming glorious future, a new creation will unfold right before our eyes. It will be a creation without sin. It will be a new heaven, a new earth and a new redeemed humanity. "The first heaven and the first earth" will pass away. A new will emerge. 

Who will take part in the new creation? Anyone who is in Christ.

And how do you get to be in Christ? By faith in Him. Through the bonds of faith, we are united to Christ. If you trust in Christ alone for salvation, you will be a new creation. In the future, you will be resurrected and given a new body. God will rid you of the sin nature for good enabling you to live for Him completely and perfectly in that new creation. 

God could have justly swept us out and annihilated us and created a brand new set of humanity for His new heaven and earth, but God in grace, decided to include us in it. 

Will you be part of the new creation? Have you trusted in Christ alone for salvation?

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Salvation And Rewards: What's The Difference? 

* Salvation in the Bible is offered to the lost and unsaved, while rewards are promised to those who are already saved who faithfully serve the Lord. 

* Salvation is freely given to be received by faith (see Rom. 6:23 and Eph. 2:8) while rewards are earned through faithful service (see Matt. 10:42 and Rev. 22:12) 

* Salvation can be received now (see Joh. 6:47) while rewards are given by God in the future (Matt. 16:27).

* Salvation is permanent. It can never be lost (see Heb 9:12) while rewards can be lost (see 2 Jo 1:8). Anything that can be earned by us can be lost by us. 

The only ones who can qualify in obtaining rewards are those who are already saved by faith in Christ. Do not confuse salvation and rewards. Many people erroneously think that salvation is a reward from God given on the basis of works. 

Not so, the Bible clearly distinguishes the two. Salvation is a free gift received by faith. You can never earn it, you can only freely receive it. It was the Savior who earned salvation. Now He offers it to us for free. Rewards, on the other hand, are earned by the saved sinner's faithful service.


The Power Of The Gospel To Change Lives

One time a western man traveled to the islands of Micronesia. He was a man of sophistication, culture and refinement. As he was walking, he saw a native aborigine reading the Bible. 

He accosted him and said: "Do you believe in that book?" 

"Yes, I do with all my heart." replied the native. 

"Why, that book is a book of fables. It was written by men who should have known better. It's an ancient book out of step with modern science. If I were you, I would stop reading that book." the man quipped. 

The native looked up and told him straight: "Sir, if not for this book, you would have been our lunch by now." 

The central story of the book is the Savior who came and died for the sins of sinners and rose again, that if we put our trust in Him alone for salvation, He will not only deliver us from the fires of hell, but He will also deliver us from our depraved selves, transforming us into new creatures.