Thursday, March 8, 2012


It is so hard to find sinners these days in the biblical sense. They are like gold. They're not easily found. What I mean is this:

A sinner in the Bible is 1) a spiritual criminal, 2) spiritually dead, subject to the just judgment of God 3) who can never do anything---powerless to save himself from the penalty, power and presence of sin. I tell you, not many realize this about themselves. Self-righteous pride is the order of the day.

Almost all people in the place where I am from admit that they are sinners. However, many will not admit that they are spiritual criminals---they are sinners alright but not to the extent that they view themselves as spiritual criminals (bad people).

All the more hard to find are people who admit that they are not only spiritual criminals but that they are spiritually dead people, under the just judgment of God. The hardest of all to find are people who admit all of the above and even confess that they are acutely and keenly aware that they are helpless to save themselves from sin. Somebody said: "I hope I can find sinners (in the biblical sense) because I have a good news to tell them. That Christ died for them and that He alone can save them from sin." 

All of us are sinners in the biblical sense. It's just that many do not realize it because of pride. They resist the conviction and the humbling of the Holy Spirit in their lives. And so, they don't find the Gospel as good news indeed.

Believe me, if you are wrong about yourself, you'll be wrong about the Savior and His salvation.