Thursday, March 8, 2012


Ro 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

All of us are sinners, *SPIRITUAL CRIMINALS* in God's eyes. If we can get that lodged in our cranium sooner, the better. It would then be easy to accept and realize that we can never save ourselves.

Our benevolent deeds, our reformation and whatever else we can do, can never do it. For the crimes we committed in the past are never erased by the good deeds we do in the present. Living a good life is never the payment for a heinous crime. And, mind you, every single sin we did was a heinous crime against God.

People are not saved and go to heaven because they do good. They go to heaven because they are pardoned. And that pardon can only come when we put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, who died in our place because of our crimes.