Friday, March 2, 2012


Mr 16:16 "He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.

Some use this verse to teach that water baptism is part of the equation of salvation. They say "believing in Christ + water baptism= salvation."

But at least *150* times in the Bible salvation is conditioned on faith. Anyone who trusts or places his faith in Christ will be saved. All one has to do with this verse is to continue reading the remainder of the verse to see the emphasis. Is it faith plus baptism or faith alone?

Notice: "He who *BELIEVES* and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not *BELIEVE* will be condemned."

Clearly, the emphasis is on believing or faith. An unbaptized believer is foreign to the New Testament. During the apostolic times, every single sinner who trusts in the Savior was immediately baptized. That was their custom. And that is why water baptism is closely tied with believing in the New Testament.

If water baptism is essential to salvation, then not a few will be disqualified. For what about the invalid who is confined to his bed who is not able to go under the water? What about those in prison, in solitary confinement, who got saved by reading by themselves the New Testament and found salvation by faith in Christ? What about those who have repented and trusted in Christ who are about to be executed?

Salvation is by faith alone so that anyone can be given opportunity to be saved. And anyone who truly trusts in Christ for salvation submits himself to the waters of baptism. Not to be saved, but because he is saved by faith alone in Christ alone.