Sunday, January 19, 2014


"When You See A Turtle On A Fence Post, You Know He Didn't Get There By Himself"

This is a famous statement in the US. It was originally a joke aimed at incompetent politicians. An old man was talking to a young man: 

"When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong there; he can't get anything done while he's up there; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down."

This is sadly true of many politicians who are in office.

When you come to think of it, the statement is true to all of us, spiritually speaking. When you see a sinner up there in heaven, you know that he did not get there by himself. Somebody saved him to be up there.

Like helpless turtles, we could not climb heaven by our own efforts. God's standard is perfection. No sin at all. Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden on the demerit of a single sin.

That's a very tall order for us. It's an impossible uphill climb for all of us. No human being (excepting the Lord Jesus) has ever climbed Mount Perfection and stood over its summit.

The Bible describes us sinners as "without strength" (Romans 5:6) to perfectly do God's will and save ourselves.

We all need the Deliverer, the Savior, who will pull us out from the abyss of condemnation to the celestial and exalted heights of salvation to ultimately enjoy God forever in heaven.

Anyone who clings in faith to the Savior and what He did on the cross will be delivered.