Thursday, January 9, 2014


Let me tell you a story that happened to me last Saturday afternoon. I was driving my car to get my new glasses at Shopwise. You can just imagine the mad rush of cars on the street.
My attention was jumping from one car to another, I was being careful not to collide with any of them. Just ahead, my attention was caught by a road sign placed in the middle of the road that said: "No left turn." That sign was not usually there before. And I very seldom go by this highway.
There is something about road signs that are not there before that makes your mind focus on it a little bit more. And so I was careful to obey it, didn't make a left turn but made a U-turn.
Just then, an officer appeared and signaled me to pull over. In astonishment, I asked him: "What was wrong?" He pointed to a "No U-Turn" sign just meters away from the "No Left Turn" sign!
That would mean reckless driving on my part, although, in reality, to me, it was more like restless driving, due to my restlessness and concern about not getting hit by passing cars, I did not see the sign.
He really looked determined to have me go through that dreaded seminar for reckless drivers. But I explained to him what went through my mind when I made the infraction, although I knew that law was law.
And then he said something like this: "Okay, in the spirit of CHRISTmas, I am dismissing the charge against you." I thanked him profusely and sped off to get my new eyes.
The officer did not know that he uttered a Gospel Nugget for me to write. I remembered Ephesians 4:32 in the King James Version of the Bible, these words: "even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
I broke God's law, and a reckless sinner like me deserved to be condemned. But for Christ's sake, He dropped and dismissed the charges against me because of Christ.
We don't receive forgiveness from God for the sake of the good things we have done, we can have forgiveness from Him because of Christ. Come to Him in repentance and faith.