Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Why God Became Man Without Ceasing To Be God

Man was separated from God because of sin. A great eternal gulf was wedged between them.

He had to become Man so that He could be the substitute and representative of fallen man. Fallen man without a substitute and representative will eternally suffer and pay for his sins. Fallen man with a substitute and representative could be saved from sin.

He had to be Man at the same time God so that His substitutionary work on the cross can have eternal value and perfectly satisfy God, since only God, being eternal, can bridge the eternal gulf between Him and fallen man. Moreover, being God, His death on the cross can have an infinite dimension to it. As such, He could die for, not just one, but, for all sinners. An infinite person could do an infinite work for all.

The God-Man (the Lord Jesus Christ) is the only possible way for fallen man to be reconciled to God. In Himself, being God and at the same time Man, in one blessed person, He can unite and reconcile Man back to God.

Through faith in Him and what He did on the cross, God and Man can have at-one-ment (reconciliation) through the eternal value of the atonement He made on the cross.