Tuesday, January 7, 2014


New Year Solution 

Many people on New Year's eve are like the old durian tree. The Durian tree, after many years of being a Durian, finally got tired of it all and said: "I am going to resolve that, this coming year, I will never ever bear smelly durian fruits anymore! Starting this year, I am going to bear oranges."

He signed the paper at the bottom and announced it to his friends so that they could at least help him reinforce his New Year's resolution should he fail to keep it.

But in the process of time, Durian could not resists the force of nature, he naturally bore durian fruits as before. He just could not help it.

In the same way, we are all sinners by practice, by nature and by birth. Inside of us all is a big factory of sin. We just could not help it but produce sin. We are not sinners because we have committed sins. No, we sin because we are sinners.

No New Year's resolution can arrest our sinful nature from sinning.

The solution to New Year's resolutions is the new birth. We must be born again; we must be new creations in Christ Jesus. God must recreate us into a new creature with a new nature to counter our sinful nature.

And God only recreates into new creatures in Christ those who come to Christ, trusting in Him alone and what He did on the cross.

The solution to our consternation is the transformation in salvation.