Thursday, October 25, 2012


Why Is Christ Jesus The Only Qualified Person To Be The Savior Of Sinners?

He was instated. He was immaculate. He was interminate. He was infinite. He was intricate. 


He was appointed and authorized by God. No one can save any sinner except Christ. Even if you can, it will not be recognized by God because God did not appoint you to be your own Savior. You are locked up to Christ. 


He was sinless and flawless. If He committed even a single sin, it would be enough to disqualify Him as Savior because He would be needing salvation Himself. But He did not commit any and so He is qualified to be our Savior.


He was eternal, being God Himself (the second person of the Godhead). God's holiness demands an eternal payment for our sins. The extent of sin's penalty depends upon whom we ultimately sinned against. All sin is ultimately an offence against an ETERNAL God. Therefore the penalty of our sin must and should be eternal. 

It would be an insult to God if we are only punished in hell for a billion years for an offense against an ETERNAL God. You would be insulted if your murderer will only be imprisoned for a week. You are not a dog right? You are a person made in the image of God though distorted by sin. 

Christ being eternal was able in His death to make a provisional and yet eternal payment for our sins. 


Christ being God was infinite. As such, He could die not just for one sinner but for all sinners. A finite person can only die for one person. He could not die for everybody. But Christ was infinite and therefore He could die for all sinners. 


He was the God-Man. He was one person with two natures: God and Man. As such, He could unite and reconcile in His person Man back to God.