Sunday, October 21, 2012


The Sinner's Inability To Save Himself

The sinner is powerless to save himself. When man fell into sin, he became debilitated, defiled, desperate, dead and deviated. 


Romans 5:6 describes a sinner as someone who is "without strength". Just as a paralyzed man is without strength to help himself so is a sinner without strength to save himself. 


Isaiah 64:6 describes a sinner as "unclean" and is someone who can only produce righteousness that are "filthy rags" in the eyes of God.

Now, think: If ever we can save ourselves, it would only be through our righteous deeds. There is no other option. We are either doing right or doing something sinful. Obviously, doing something sinful will not contribute to our salvation. In fact, it's one of the reasons why we need to be saved.

But if our righteous deeds are filthy rags in God's sight, then we have no chance of saving ourselves. The only possible way is closed.


In Matthew 19:25-26, the Lord Jesus taught that it is "impossible" for man to save himself.


Ephesians 2:1 describes a sinner as someone who is spiritually "dead". Being spiritually dead in the Bible primarily means separated from the source of life who is God. In order to be alive, life must come from Someone outside ourselves. For being dead, we are impotent to generate life for ourselves.


In Luke 19:10, the Lord Jesus describes a sinner as someone who is "lost". A lost person is someone who is incapable of finding his way. He needs someone to help him find his way back home.

We are debilitated, defiled, desperate, dead and deviated. In one word, we are depraved. We need the Deliverer---Jesus!