Sunday, May 25, 2014


Mass Murderer Elliot Rodger

A 22-year old young man named Elliot Rodger stabbed and opened fire on people inside his school campus, injuring many, while sending at least six people to eternity on the spot.

The day before he went berserk and snapped, he did a video of himself expressing his rage and utter disappointment he felt about his life. His primary complaint was that he still remained a virgin even at age 22. He wanted to have the attention of young women in his school but they just would not give it to him.

He envied good-looking young men and women in his school because of the kind of sex they are having, while he remains to be alone in life. In his video, he specifically said that he would target beautiful women and good-looking men in his hellish rage.

He repeatedly put the emphasis on his not being able to have sex with women. His life, and apparently, the life of others, depended upon it. His rhetoric was all centered on self.

Elliot Rodger was both judged and a judgment by God.

He was judged. Rejecting God, he fell into the control of his sinful desires. It became the be all and the end all of his life. It took him to the deep abyss of depravity that eventually led to his demise.

He was a judgment. God will judge fornicators. God allowed Mr. Rodger to go on his deadly downward spiral so as to judge the young men and women who engaged in fornication, rampant in their school.

Rejecting God's salvation in Christ is fatal. It leaves the door wide open for the monster inside of us to come out, putting self and others in danger. 
Don't put off coming to Christ, God, in judgment, might leave you to your depraved self.