Sunday, March 24, 2013


How A Russian Got Saved

True Story

A Russian Christian was asked: "How were you saved?" This is his testimony:

When he was about 17 years of age, he was filled with the overwhelming desire to know God. There were no Bibles in Russia during those times. Russia was under communism.

Bibles were not made available but anti-Christian literature were circulated. He got hold of a copy of an atheistic dictionary which contained Bible verses in it. Bible verses were only there in order to be contradicted.

He cut out all the Bible verses that were in there and placed them all in a notebook. The notebook became practically his own Bible. Reading it, he came to know Christ in a saving way.

He realized that he was a sinner in need of a Savior. Trusting in Christ alone for salvation, he got saved.

Compare him to many people today, who have complete Bibles from Genesis to Revelation made readily available for them, but still they have not found Christ in a saving way.

The Russian man is a lesson for all---any sinner who is truly seeking God, can find Him, even in an atheistic literature that seeks to gainsay His Word.