Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Salvation Principles Taken From Ordinary Events In Life

At a bus station, a queue of people can be seen. All sorts of people---the good, the bad, the worse and the terrible. Religious, moral and immoral people all line up waiting for their turns to ride the bus. 

The conductor will not ask you if you are a good person or a bad person for him to let you in. All he needs to see is the ticket in your hand for you to be allowed to enter the bus. 

It is the same way with salvation, it is not our good characters or our bad characters that will determine whether we enter heaven or not. It all depends on "The Ticket", the Savior Himself. 

It all depends on the question: "Have we received His salvation or not?" 

That salvation can be received simply by faith in Him and what He did on the cross. It is a free "ticket" in other words. Do you have it? Have you received it?