Tuesday, December 18, 2012


What Is It To Have Saving Faith In Christ? 

* To have saving faith in Christ means to entrust your soul's salvation to Him.

* It is to trust Him and what He did on the cross. 

* It is to rely on Him and nothing and no one else for your salvation.

* It is to depend on Him alone for salvation. 

* It is to be convinced and persuaded that salvation can only be found in Him through His death on the cross for our sins. 

* It is to be completely satisfied that His death on the cross was the sufficient payment for all our sins---past, present and future.

* It is to be utterly confident that what He did was eternally enough.

* It is to find in Him as your only hope of salvation.

True saving faith in Christ, however, is the result of realizing that we are sinners totally powerless and helpless to save ourselves. For it is only men and women who realize their desperate condition that throw themselves completely to the Savior.