Sunday, December 2, 2012


Salvation And Rewards: What's The Difference? 

* Salvation in the Bible is offered to the lost and unsaved, while rewards are promised to those who are already saved who faithfully serve the Lord. 

* Salvation is freely given to be received by faith (see Rom. 6:23 and Eph. 2:8) while rewards are earned through faithful service (see Matt. 10:42 and Rev. 22:12) 

* Salvation can be received now (see Joh. 6:47) while rewards are given by God in the future (Matt. 16:27).

* Salvation is permanent. It can never be lost (see Heb 9:12) while rewards can be lost (see 2 Jo 1:8). Anything that can be earned by us can be lost by us. 

The only ones who can qualify in obtaining rewards are those who are already saved by faith in Christ. Do not confuse salvation and rewards. Many people erroneously think that salvation is a reward from God given on the basis of works. 

Not so, the Bible clearly distinguishes the two. Salvation is a free gift received by faith. You can never earn it, you can only freely receive it. It was the Savior who earned salvation. Now He offers it to us for free. Rewards, on the other hand, are earned by the saved sinner's faithful service.