Sunday, December 2, 2012


The Power Of The Gospel To Change Lives

One time a western man traveled to the islands of Micronesia. He was a man of sophistication, culture and refinement. As he was walking, he saw a native aborigine reading the Bible. 

He accosted him and said: "Do you believe in that book?" 

"Yes, I do with all my heart." replied the native. 

"Why, that book is a book of fables. It was written by men who should have known better. It's an ancient book out of step with modern science. If I were you, I would stop reading that book." the man quipped. 

The native looked up and told him straight: "Sir, if not for this book, you would have been our lunch by now." 

The central story of the book is the Savior who came and died for the sins of sinners and rose again, that if we put our trust in Him alone for salvation, He will not only deliver us from the fires of hell, but He will also deliver us from our depraved selves, transforming us into new creatures.