Saturday, July 29, 2023


 "It's Hard Being Good! It's Easy Being Bad!"

That's what a young kid confessed when he was told off by his father for being mean to his siblings.
That right there is what we are essentially. From our experience, good is a long and hard climb to the top laden with effort and exertion. Bad is an easy slide down below. The Bible even says that all our righteous deeds are filthy rags! (Isa.64:6).
God's right! We are sinners; not righteousers! We need a miracle. We need to be born again. We need a whole new life. We need a new nature. A new nature that would reverse the whole thing "It's easy being good! It's hard being bad!" That could only come through faith in Christ.
"He who believes (trusts) in the Son has everlasting life..." John 3:36