Sunday, July 2, 2023



MK 16:2 Very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the sun had risen.
This verse could have been written like this as well: “Very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the SON (yup! S-O-N) had risen.”
That the SUN had risen is the perfect illustration of what happened on this day. Just as the sun rose on this day so the Son rose on this day.
Imagine this --- What would it be like if the S-U-N will not rise anymore? Among other things, we would all be in bleak black darkness. The temperature would drop leaving us in extreme cold. Our mental health will be affected. Darkness is depressing, even maddening. There will be no more flowers; no more plants; they will wither. No more colors. No more beauty.
Now, imagine if the SON did not rise from the dead. We would all be in spiritual total darkness. We would not feel the warmth of God’s love at all. We will all be in grief and sorrow for our sins. We will all wither. We would all be barren and desolate. Spiritually, there will be no flowers, no colors, no beauty.
For the non-resurrection of the Son would have been the divine rejection of the Son's death on the cross for sinners. And if His death on the cross was rejected then there would have been no salvation for anyone at all.
Every time you look at a sunrise think of the SONrise.
Think that one day the long night of sin and darkness will give way to the eternal day of a new universe that knows no night. And you can be there if you repent and trust in the death of the Lord Jesus for our sins and His resurrection.