Wednesday, August 9, 2023


I Would Rather Owe My Salvation To Christ Than To Myself 

Salvation is by faith alone and not by works. A sinner does not work for salvation but from salvation. That's that.

However, even if there hypothetically existed two ways of being saved—one based on one's works and the other through faith solely in Christ's work on the cross — I would unequivocally opt for the salvation that's freely received through faith in Christ. 

Why? I want to owe everything to Him. I want all the glory to go to Him. I want all the credit to go to Him when it comes to the salvation of my soul. I want to be in a heaven where He is glorified 100%. 

He gave everything for me and left nothing for Himself on the cross of Calvary when He died for my sins. Thus, it is only but right that all the merit and recognition for my soul's salvation should be attributed to Him.

That's how God wants it in salvation. Do you want the Lord Jesus to be glorified 100% in your salvation? Trust in what He did on the cross alone for your salvation.