Monday, June 27, 2016


One of Satan's greatest lies today is the widespread idea that one can just get away with his sins or spiritual crimes by compensating it with good works. It has made many wallow in so much sin, confident that they can just offset their debts with it.

They would not dare this on a human judge but they brazenly do it in the face of the Most Holy Judge of the universe. God is not that holy and just in their concept. They have a lesser view. To them, God is lenient. Just an old grandfatherly and soft figure who will just sweep their crimes under the rug. Partly, it is the result of centuries of indoctrination by a false religious establishment that dominates the land.

And so, you have people committing premarital sex, getting drunk, breathing out cuss words and other spiritual crimes, believing that they can just pay it up with their good deeds. Their ignorance of God is setting them up for a big surprise in the day of reckoning.

On that day, they will realize, eternally too late, that every single sin is a heinous spiritual crime in the eyes of God that deserves condemnation in the lake of fire. That it is through what the Lord Jesus did on the cross, not their good works, that can meet the demands of God's justice and holiness.

My friend, come and settle your crimes at the cross. On God's terms, not yours. Repent now, abhor sin, and run to the Savior, trusting in Him and what He did on the cross for salvation.