Wednesday, June 1, 2016


One hot summer, Jhanna, a skinny, little nine-year old girl, tagged along with her older friends for a summer getaway in a plush beach resort. Far out into the deepest part of the waters, Jhanna and her friends delighted themselves with the ocean. They dove and plunged and splashed into the water below from a wooden raft which they used as a base. Jhanna, the tiniest of the group, fearlessly ventured into the deep with reckless abandon again and again even though she did not know how to swim. She was confident that she had her older friend, Clair, an expert swimmer, to come and extricate and recover her back on top. The whole thing is a picture of saving faith. Faith in the Savior for salvation is throwing our helpless selves into the saving work of the Savior on the cross of Calvary, fully confident that He is able to rescue us from sinking into condemnation. My friend, you are a sinner and you can't save yourself. Come to Christ. Take the plunge of faith into Him. Commit your soul's salvation to Him and His work on the cross and you will be saved.