Monday, April 28, 2014


Air Force One
It is the most sophisticated and complex aircraft in the world. Manned by the world's best 26-member crew team, decked and clad with the most high-tech gizmos and gadgets, it is a plane capable of carrying the president of the United States safely anywhere in the world, even under harsh weather conditions, making him a virtual Tony Stark in the Iron Man series.
It is the best of man's ingenuity, put together for one single purpose---protect, secure and safely transport the president to his destination.
Spiritually speaking, God has His own "Air Force One." His name is Jesus Christ. He Himself is the power of God and the wisdom of God for salvation (see 1 Cor. 1:24).
Anyone in Him is free from sin's condemnation (Rom. 8:1). He is the best of God for a sinner's salvation and safe arrival in heaven.
Through Him and in Him, any sinner who trusts in Him and what He did on the cross is assured of his destination---being with God forever.
Unlike America's Air Force One, God's "Air Force One" is offered to all. Come aboard!