Monday, April 14, 2014


Understanding The Death Of Christ On The Cross

We will never understand and value the death of Christ on the cross if we don't see things this way:

God --- The Holy And Just Judge 
Sinners --- Spiritual Criminals 
Sin --- A Spiritual Heinous Crime Against God 
Penalty --- Death

The moment you truly believe those facts is the very moment you will tremble and be utterly concerned for your soul's salvation. You'll have trouble sleeping at night, because you are now taking God and your sins seriously.

You'll be like criminals who are now issued arrest warrants who anytime could be apprehended and thrown to jail for life, knowing that the DOJ is seriously bent on putting you behind bars, without bail.

Put yourself in their shoes, feel what they feel and then reflect that as to who you are in God's sight. Think of how many heinous crimes we committed against God every day of our lives. Dying a thousand deaths would not be enough to pay for our heinous crimes.

Because people do not see things this way, many people just make light of sin and say: "Ah covering it with good works will do." They believe that they could bail themselves out. The death of Christ is not the sole source of refuge to them from God's impending judgment. They find it boring.

But when they realize that the holy and just judge would not accept any other payment for their heinous crimes except the death penalty that He imposed, they will abandon trusting in their good works and religious activities.

They will look for something or someone that could truly and really pay for the penalty of their sins. And they will only find it in Christ. Christ who in His eternal person could pay for our multitudinous crimes.

He would be precious to them. For without Him, they would spend eternity in the prison that God has prepared for spiritual criminals---the lake of fire.