Monday, June 11, 2012


Lu 5:32 "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance."

* Being a sinner is not a hindrance to come to Christ. In fact, it is our very qualification for it. Christ did not die for good people (there are none). He came to die for sinners. 

There are people who say: "I am such a great sinner. I can't come to Christ." Friend, you are the very reason why He came. Only people who are sinners will experience salvation. You just can't be saved if you are not a sinner. You can't be found if you are not lost. Your being a sinner should not prevent you from coming to Christ. It is the very reason why you should go to Him.

The worst thing for a man is his self-righteousness. It is a smokescreen. It blinds him from seeing as to who he really is in the eyes of God. 

* You don't have to clean yourself up before you come to Christ. You can't do it anyway in the first place. If you can, then you don't need to go to Christ. Christ does not only forgive, He also cleanses us from any moral filth. 

You don't have to spiritually shape yourself up before you come to Christ. Come as you are---a sinner out of shape. Christ does not only save, He also shapes twisted and perverted and crooked sinners.