Wednesday, October 25, 2023


 A Hindu told a missionary: "I am sure that if lead a good life, do what is right, and give up my bad habits, God will receive me into heaven."

The missionary then pointed to a babool tree. A young babool tree is a captivating sight. The tree is known for its striking thorny features. "Suppose you break off from its branches a hundred or more of the nasty thorns, will the tree cease to be a babool tree?" asked the missionary.

"Certainly not!" the Hindu replied

The missionary then explained: "Even if you stop many of your evil ways and habits, you would still remain the same like the babool tree. You must have an entirely new nature, you must be born again, you must be a new man, in order to please God. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can give you a new heart if you trust in Him alone for salvation."