Thursday, September 28, 2023


The Christian Triad Of Faith, Hope, and Love

If we are to summarize Christianity in three words, it would be faith, hope, and love. 

Let's apply this to salvation. As sinners, if we pause for a while and take stock of our lives right at this very moment, we are in danger. In danger of past sin, present selfishness, and prospective separation or death. 

The answer to the past danger of sin is faith, that is, faith in the death of the Lord Jesus Christ for our sins. 

The answer to the prospective danger of separation or death is the hope of the glorious resurrection which the Lord Jesus Christ made available by rising from the dead. 
The answer to the present danger of selfishness is the love that being united to the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ makes possible. 

It all begins with faith. Once you put your faith in Christ and have your sins graciously hurled to oblivion, you will have a glorious hope for the future and a godly heart for your fellows.