Monday, September 18, 2023


The Saving Merit Is In The Cross-Work Of Christ 

Apart from the grace of God, our righteous works are filthy rags in the sight of God (Isaiah 64:6). Apart from His grace, our good works are not good works to God. Apart from His grace, no one has ever done what is good (Romans 3:12). Apart from the grace of God, all our religious achievements and credentials are rubbish (Philippians 3:4-8). All these are shaky foundations to base one's salvation on.  

In the salvation of a sinner, the saving merit is in the cross-work of the Lord Jesus Christ. It has all the sufficient worthwhile and good qualities to save a sinner. 

Grab hold of the saving merits available for you in the death of the Lord Jesus Christ for sinners like you and me. Make good use of it by putting your faith in it. Let His merit be your merit. Trust in His merit, not your own.