Monday, December 14, 2015


Are You A Pharisee?
The Pharisees during the Lord Jesus' time were men who were extremely moral and religious. They were viewed as the men who raised the banner of orthodoxy in Israel. People looked up to them with respect.
The problem with them was that they were content with their own perceived goodness as their ticket to salvation. They believed that because they were good and righteous men (in their own standards) they earned the right to be saved by God.
Many people are like that today. You could even be one of them. Satisfied and content with your own goodness when you compare yourself to others, you think and believe that you have a good chance of making it to heaven.
The thing that you must realize is this---you are not good enough for God. None of us are. We all need to be saved.
And salvation does not come by trusting and being confident about who we are and what we did, but in trusting and relying in the Savior and what He did on the cross.