Thursday, December 10, 2015


How A Legal Genius Came To Believe In The Resurrection Of Christ
Simon Greenleaf was one of the greatest legal minds the world has ever seen, if not the greatest. Mr. Greenleaf was the president of Harvard Law School for over 30 years.
He wrote a book called The Laws Of Legal Evidence. This is a book with many volumes. It was considered the standard book used by courts all over the world during his time and, probably, to a degree, still is today for evaluating evidence. It is considered by many as the greatest book in history when it comes to the laws and principles of evaluating evidence.
Mr. Greenleaf brought to bear his legal genius on the Gospels and was compelled to admit by the sheer force of the evidence that “The resurrection is established by better evidence than any fact of ancient history.” He wrote a book called The Testimony Of The Four Evangelist which examines and adjudged as historical the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If Christ resurrected, it means, among many other things, that He died for our sins. If He died for our sins, then all my debts against God are paid. Trusting in Him and what He did, I enter into the good of all that He did on the cross.