Friday, December 13, 2013


The miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ were pictures of spiritual realities and demonstrations and illustrations of what He can do spiritually.

Spiritually speaking, in the eyes of God, because of sin, we are all blind, deaf, mute, lame, maim and dead. 

* But He who was able to make the blind see physically is able to make us see spiritually to appreciate the things of God.
* He who was able to unplug the ears of the deaf physically is able to unplug our ears spiritually and enable us to listen to hear the Word of God.
* He who was able to open the mouths of the mute physically is able to open our mouths to sing the praises of God.
* He who was able to give strength to the lame and the maim physically is able to give strength to us spiritually to enable us to serve God.
* He who was able to give life physically to the dead is able to give us life spiritually that we might live for God.

And just as those physically infirmed and handicapped people did not contribute anything to effect their physical deliverance (they simply came to Him and He did for them what they could never do for themselves) so it is with spiritual deliverance and salvation.

A sinner is to simply come to Him in repentance, recognizing his need and wholly entrust his salvation to Him. And to those who come to Him by faith, He will do for you, what you can never do for yourself---He will save you and give you eternal life.

Do you want the miracle of salvation in your life? Come to Christ.