Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Black Cobra, Yellow Cobra And White Cobra

Let's suppose you saw three cobras on your lawn. One is black, another is yellow, and the other white. Which of the three cobras would you welcome in your home as your pet?

Would you take the sinister-looking black one? The moderate-looking yellow one? Or the magnificent-looking white one? I suppose a lot of you would say: "I would not have anything to do with cobras! They are poisonous snakes!"

You see, it is the same with us SINNERS. There are people who are very bad sinners, who are criminals of society.

There are also sinners who are not that really bad in the eyes of men. Yes, they get drunk sometimes, but they manage to stay away from those big sins.

And yes, there are sinners who seem very harmless in society. They are sweet, charming, huggable, polite and respectful. They could win The Most Outstanding Cobra, I mean, Sinner Of The Year award.

However, God would not have spiritual cobras in heaven. A black spiritual cobra, a yellow spiritual cobra, and a white spiritual cobra are all one and the same; they are cobras.

"You must be born again" (John 3:7) according to the Lord Jesus Christ. Being born again is becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus.

2Co 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

When you repent and trust in Christ alone and what He did on the cross, you will be a new creation in Him. No longer viewed by God as a spiritual cobra but a child of God by faith in Christ Jesus.