Friday, November 22, 2013


Who's The Savior? You Or Jesus?

So long as you don't humble yourself, to see yourself as a sinner, worthy of God's just judgment, helpless and unable to save yourself, you will never truly see your need of the Savior and appreciate what He did on the cross.

You will always turn inward and find satisfaction in yourself, in your religiosity, in your philanthropy, in your performanc
e etc. Your reliance will always be in these things and not in the Savior and His mighty saving work on the cross.

The language of your heart will always be: "I will be saved and go to heaven because of the kind of person I am and the things that I did and am doing," instead of "I will be with God and enjoy Him forever because of the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did for me on the cross."

If you can save yourself, then you don't truly need a Savior. But if you can't save yourself at all, not even a slightest bit, then you do need the Savior 100%.

According to the Bible, our condition is the latter and not the former. We are in bad shape, we need the Savior. And so, I urge you to rely on Him and what He did and be saved.