Wednesday, August 7, 2013


The Disabled Man, The Elevator And Salvation

A disabled man on a wheelchair found himself staring at a 15-story building complex. He was going to meet somebody on the eleventh floor.

How is he going to possibly do that? The strength in his legs was taken away by a car accident years ago. Undaunted, he confidently rolled his way into the entrance as if he has been doing this for years.

He then proceeded straight into the elevator section and casually greeted the operator as he rode in: "Mornin' Mike. As usual." The elevator closed and then off he went to where he was going.

This is a picture of salvation! We are sinners, unable to save ourselves, helpless and hopeless in bringing ourselves up to heaven. But God provided us with the "Elevator", who alone can save us and bring us to heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The only thing we are to do is to entrust ourselves to Him, relying and depending on what He did on the cross of Calvary for our salvation.

Come on in!