Friday, May 12, 2023


The Sorry Myth: Debunking The Belief That Being Sorry Is Enough 

One common misconception about salvation is the belief that merely expressing a sincere apology to God is enough to make everything okay. 

Yes, the sinner ought to be sorry. He should be sorry. It would be an act of brazenness if he or she is not.

An apology, however, no matter how heartfelt and sincere could never save us from the punishment we deserve. Not even if we do it a million times. Ask any just law court in the world. 

That's because only the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on the cross could pay for the penalty of our sins. If expressing a sincere apology is all that it takes then why did the Lord Jesus Christ have to die on the cross?

Don't settle for sorry. You need the Savior! You need to repent and trust in what He did on the cross for you!