Monday, March 30, 2020


Viruses, Pandemics, False And Genuine Repentance
False Repentance---It is when a pandemic takes place, and, for fear of divine judgment (That's all. Nothing more, nothing less and nothing else), you suddenly become religious and do things to appease God.
When the threat subsides, when the pandemic passes away, you then gradually revert back to what you were before...exactly like what you did when the earthquakes hit us years ago.
You are only fooling yourself, not God. God knew all along that yours was a false kind of repentance. The reason why you're not dead right now is that God gave you another chance to do it again, this time genuinely.
It is to be feared that many dying people who exhibit a semblance of repentance are like this. It felt real to them but not to God. They and their families thought that they will rest in peace.
Genuine Repentance---It is when a pandemic takes place, and, for fear of divine judgment, you flee from the wrath to come, you change your attitude toward God, you now take Him seriously, you now hate sin and revere God.
It further matures and develops to a point that even if the threat subsides, even when the pandemic passes away, even if there is no bliss of heaven or the threat of punishment in hell, you turn away from sin because sin is sin and God is God who hates sin.
And it culminates in you turning to Christ, trusting in Him alone and what He did on the cross for salvation.